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Advanced Dental & Optometry Services & Technology – Belmont, MA

Dedicated To Providing Precise & Efficient Care

Patient comfort and clinical accuracy play essential roles in the dental experience we offer our patients. With innovative technology, Drs. Salibian and Ajoian and our team have improved efficiency, as well. This means, at your dental visit, you’ll enjoy full peace of mind and body. Here are a few of our state-of-the-art systems. As technology continues to advance, so will our practice, because we are dedicated to staying on top of the latest tools for precision, comfort, and accurate diagnostics.

Committed to State-of-the-Art
Dental & Optometry Experiences

All-Digital X-Rays

Dental x-rays on computer screen

For bitewing and panoramic X-rays, we use a digital radiography system, which emits about 80% less radiation than traditional machines. In addition to improved safety, our digital X-rays provide fast, precise images on a computer screen. Dr. Salibian can review the images with you and explain his findings. Because no film and development are required, our digital X-ray system is environmentally friendly.

3D Cone Beam Imaging

3 D cone beam imaging

Our Planmeca® 3D Cone Beam Imaging device allows us to capture a complete, three-dimensional view of your facial structure. The image itself offers a detailed anatomical model of your bone structure to help Dr. Salibian create precise treatment plans for in-depth procedures, such as dental implant placement. Plus, it’s easy to operate and an open-faced structure, providing you with a calm experience that won’t make you feel claustrophobic. It also offers side-entry access that makes it wheelchair accessible.

iTero® Digital Impression System

Digital impression system read out on computer screen

In the past, getting impressions taken of your dental structure meant having to have cold, messy, gag-inducing putty in your mouth. To make matters worse, if the area wasn’t dry enough, it could mean that you would have to have the process done multiple times! Dr. Salibian uses the iTero Element digital impression system, which is a small, handheld camera that’s able to capture an accurate and precise blueprint of your mouth—no putty necessary.

Soft-Tissue Laser Dentistry

Patient receiving soft tissue laser dentistry treatment

EyeSmile Optometry & Dental Care of Belmont is proud to introduce the latest in dental laser technology. The Lutronics DENTA Microspeed C02 laser offers the latest advancements known to the dental industry while bringing the highest level of patient care & comfort. This highly effective and efficient laser allows faster healing times, more predictable outcomes, pain reduction, broader application of implant placement, and the ability to work in the periodontal pocket for bacterial reduction.

What this laser can treat:

Brushless Electric Drills

Electric drill hand tool

For your comfort, our dental drills make less noise and provide better efficiency than their traditional counterpart. This means faster dental visits for you.

Identafi® Screening System

Idnetafi oral cancer screening system

This exciting tool allows us to detect oral cancer lesions early, before they’re visible in the tissue of the mouth. Research shows that early detection of oral cancer dramatically improves the potential for effective treatment. Identafi does not require a mouth rinse like some systems. Instead, upon contact with the mouth, a special light makes suspicious cells appear instantly.

Topcon Maestro 2 OCT/Fundus imaging

Topco Mastro 2 fundus imaging system

Our Topcon Maestro 2 OCT/Fundus Imaging device is an all-in-one workstation that performs automatic alignment, focus, optimizing, and capturing measurements. It’s equipped with a full-color fundus camera that is able to photograph the rear of the eye. It also completes a Hood Glaucoma Report and captures sharp B-scans (brightness scans), which allow us to easily diagnose eye conditions such as retinal detachment.

Haag-Streit Octopus 600 Pro Perimeter

Haag-Streit pro perimeter system

Our Haag-Streit Octopus 600 Pro Perimeter device helps us measure your visual field, also known as your peripheral vision, while your eye is focused on a central object or target. It only takes two to four minutes to complete and allows us to evaluate risks of glaucoma, neurological disease, and retinal diseases by using a laser scanning device to analyze the optic nerve structure.

Oculus Keratograph 5M Topographer

Oculus keratograph typographer tool

Our Oculus Keratograph 5M Topographer can be used to assist with assessing the underlying cause of dry eyes and capture exact measurements needed for multifocal, bifocal, and toric contact lenses. It’s able to assess the tear film dynamic, which is a thin fluid layer that covers the outer surface of the eye to prevent evaporation of natural tears. It also measures thousands of points on the corneal surface to help select the best-fitted contact lenses for your needs.

Marco Provue LCD Acuity System

Marco provue vision testing system

Our Marco Provue LCD Acuity System is a digital version of the classic eye chart that allows us to streamline comprehensive eye exams by also being equipped with other computerized tests. It has a randomization function that helps prevent letter and character memorization and allows us to easily measure the sharpness of your vision. It’s simple and delivers consistent results, time and time again.


Close-up of eye before dry eye treatment

Dry eye is sometimes the result of the meibomian glands in your eyelids becoming blocked, which is a condition known as MGD. The meibomian glands are responsible for adding oil to your tear film; without that oil, the film will evaporate faster than it should, leading to dry eye symptoms. With iLux, we can clear the blockage of the meibomian glands so that the oil can be added to your tears again. iLux works by applying heat to your eyelids, melting the oil that’s clogging the glands. The procedure can be completed very quickly; it only takes about 8 to 12 minutes to treat both eyes.


Close-up of eye before dry eye treatment

One possible cause of dry eye is blepharitis, a condition where the oil glands near the base of the eyelash are clogged and coated with bacteria and oily particles. This is often the result of bacteria living near the eyelashes forming a biofilm that gets thicker over time. Blephex is a state-of-the-art device that gently cleans the eyelashes and removes any biofilm that might be causing the blockage. The treatment takes about 10 minutes, and patients often see a significant improvement in eye comfort after about a day.

Lumenis OptiLight

Woman with glasses outside after dry eye treatment

Lumenis OptiLight is the only IPL (intense pulsed light) treatment approved by the FDA to manage dry eye caused by MGD. Precise pulses of light are aimed at the area below the eyes to reduce inflammation and remove bacteria that might be causing a blockage. This allows the meibomian glands to function properly again and resume adding oil to your tears to help them last longer. The treatment usually involves about 4 sessions spaced 2 to 4 weeks apart. Each session lasts about 10 to 15 minutes.

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