Dental implants are successful in the vast majority of cases. However, there is still a slight possibility that something could go wrong with your restored smile. Therefore, you should always monitor your mouth and call our Belmont dental team at the first sign of trouble. We can assess the situation and let you know your treatment options. Our goal is to get your oral health back on track as soon as possible.
The most common culprit behind dental implant failure is an infection of the gum tissue known as peri-implantitis. It occurs when bacteria attack the bone around the implant, causing it to weaken. Eventually, peri-implantitis can compromise an implant’s base of support. Often, poor oral hygiene is a major contributor to this type of infection.
Other possible causes of dental implant failure include:
Dental implant failure can occur at any time, whether it is weeks, months, years, or even decades after the initial placement surgery. You should always be on the lookout for signs that something is amiss with your prosthetic teeth!
Here are some signs and symptoms that indicate a dental appointment is necessary:
You should book an appointment as soon as you suspect that something is not right with your implants. The earlier you receive care, the more likely it is that the situation can be addressed via conservative means.
During your appointment, we will thoroughly examine your mouth and possibly use imaging equipment to see what is happening beneath your gumline. Thereafter, we will recommend a treatment plan. You might need something relatively simple, such as antibiotics or a new restoration. In other cases, it is necessary to completely remove a failing dental implant. Later, after a healing period and some further restorative care, it might be possible to place a new implant.